Succomberez-vous au #HairyLegsDontCare, la nouvelle tendance poilue ? (photos)

26 juillet 2018 à 8h28 par Clément Gwizdz

Crédit : pxhere

Si vous en avez marre de vous épiler les jambes, cette information devrait vous plaire. Le poil fait son grand retour. les hashtags Hairylegclub et HairyLegsDontCare pullulent sur Instagram.

De nombreuses célébrités comme Rihanna, Gigi Hadid, la fille de Madonna Lourdes Leon ou encore la blogueuse Morgan Mikenas partagent la même passion : le poil. Depuis plusieurs semaines, elles prennent en photos leurs jambes poilus. Objectif, encourager les femmes à faire l’impasse sur l’épilation cet été et assumer leurs poils. Une tendance qui ne devrait pas plaire aux esthéticiennes et aux détracteurs qui disent que les poils c’est sale !


Repost @feministastic and photo from @i_am_morgie If this photo makes you uncomfortable or offended, ask yourself why you've been conditioned to think that women not removing their natural body hair is so "weird" or "gross" to you, when a man with natural hair on his legs is seen as normal. "Body hair is normal/natural/beautiful and it makes me feel comfortable within myself, and that is what it is about. Hair removal is okay also, but I believe that Mother Nature intended for us to have it, and I don't want to change myself to fit in. It's up to every woman to decide what to do with their body hair!:) I will not let society define me, and I hope to inspire others to do whatever makes them feel their most authentic self!" Featuring @i_am_morgie This is truly inspirational #strongwomen #wearred #important #manifestation #lovely #inspirational #solidarity #share #hairylegs #hairylegsdontcare #natural #againsttrump #feminism #proudfeminist #feminist #equalrights #art #blm #blacklivesmatter

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